2025 Swap training night

Hi folks

The training night for 2025 Swap will be on Tuesday 14th January at 7pm at the DDVVMC clubhouse.

The most important training will cover the ticket scanning. We will never get it perfect, but we will get better.

So if you are rostered on the Southern carpark on Friday morning, or the Main Gate Friday afternoon - Saturday morning, we would love to see you at the training.

We are NOT doing online tickets at the turnstiles. If you are rostered on a turnstile, and need a refresher on using the EFTPOS machine, Allan Waite will be happy to oblige.

The team on Swap rebooking is the same as last year, so if you need a refresher on online bookings, just turn up a bit earlier for the start of your Swap shift.

Cheers David Grant & Geoff Kapernick

Darling Downs Veteran & Vintage Motor Club Inc.