Polishers Rag - Latest

Dear members

The August 2024 edition of The Polishers Rag is now available.

Click the link above to access this edition and download it from our website.

Hopefully see you at the meeting and AGM on Thursday at 7:00 pm.

Fuel Economy rally details

Date: Sunday 11th August 2024
Departs: DDVVMC Clubhouse at 9.00am
Entrant Classes:

  • Motorcycle
  • 1000cc & under
  • 1001cc – 2000cc
  • 2001cc – 3000cc
  • 3001cc – 4000cc
  • 4001cc – 5000cc
  • Over 5000cc

Only vehicles that are 30 years and older qualify for trophy contention. A trophy will be awarded to the winner of each class.

Information Required From Entrants:
All entrants need to advise the engine capacity of their vehicle in either cubic centimetres or cubic inches. The event organisers will convert cubic inches to cubic centimetres for you.

Pre Entry is Required:
The club will provide a sausage sizzle BBQ lunch at the DDVVMC clubhouse. Members need to pay for drinks.
For catering and run administration purposes you need to pre-register if you are coming on this run.

You can register at the August general meeting or contact Pat Murphy by Thursday 8th August and give him the following information.

ENGINE CAPACITY Either Cubic Inches or cubic centimetres (cc)
pmurphy1703@gmail.com, 0428 746 272 (text or email preferred.)

Darling Downs Veteran & Vintage Motor Club Inc.