Gate Times
Gate times
Site holders arriving early on Friday will be allowed entry to the Southern Carpark in Harvey Rd via Gate 7 where they will be processed and allowed entry into the grounds at 1pm.
The Main Gate (Gate 1) will also be opened at 1pm for direct entry.
Gate 1 will remain open for the duration of the Swap. Gate 2 will be opened at 5:00am Saturday for display vehicles only.
Siteholders will be able to camp on their sites on Friday and Saturday nights. However, the Founders and Berghofer pavilions will be locked at night so these siteholders are able to camp outside the pavilion.
Siteholders are required to park their vehicle within the boundaries of their allotted site. It is a Qld Fire Service requirement that we allow only one vehicle per site. As the Main Arena is used for a car display, it is essential that site holders do not leave their vehicles around the Main Arena.
Gate 3 allows entry to the camping area. Check out the Camping page for more information.